Why Battle Cry?
This song has been coming for a long time. Over 20yrs. I'm not kidding about that either. It's amazing how things work out and for who they work out. At 18, I was on fire for Christ. I shared my faith anywhere and anyhow. One day, I was sitting at a friend's house and was admiring some CDs he had somehow fastened to his wall. One of the albums stuck out to me and in that moment I felt as if God was speaking to me, impressing destiny into my spirit. The words impressed were, "I'm sending you to that place." The band on that album was so popular... I was down for that vision. :) Considering that, at that time, the band I was in was banging too. Then like that..... 10 years had passed and nothing... 15... 20 nothing. Then, like the days of my fire, it became legend. Then a distant memory... and all together forgotten. I never even mourned it. I figured- in the end, it was something I had dreamed up. Or maybe I made a wrong turn somewhere along the way. The cost of journeying through life. T hat was until a couple years ago... One day I meet this guy. We struck up a conversation and became friends. He was a producer so we decided to work on a song together. I thought it was cool so I went to his studio. While there I was looking around at all of his accomplishments. Gold and Platinum records... he had somehow fastened them to his wall. And as I turned...on the wall...in front of me, was hanging a platinum commemoration of the same album from my God moment. "I'm sending you to that place." This gentleman co-wrote and produced the entire album. What are the chances? ...No chances!!! For those of you who don't know.... I'm from a different country. Who can write the appropriate algorithm for this? But with God all things are possible. And all things will work for good if you are called according to His purpose. I'm called according to His purpose. I'm on fire again. I t's time for God's chosen warriors to arise. I'm sick of the injustice, sick of the prejudice, sick of the apathy and the cowards. Tomorrow, purpose spills over. It's the release of my first official music video. 'Battle Cry', written by myself and Mark Heimermann. I am thankful and fortunate to stand with true Godly warriors and blessed to say, "I have seen their days." Thursday, 7/28/16 @ 2pm: Video drops and @8pm: FB live (Very special) VISIT HERE::: https://www.facebook.com/events/819016538200367/
1 Comment
11/14/2022 05:56:36 am
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